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Serve at Salt standard

Why We Serve... In response to God serving us, we want to be Christians who gladly serve Jesus and others with everything we’ve got, our time, money, energy, life. Jesus is the perfect model of why and how to serve - 'Jesus called them together and said, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom ...

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God Serves / We Serve standard

When disasters strike, humans help their neighbours. Just for a moment they share their stuff, open their homes & lend a hand to help out. Given that people are normally pretty selfish, where do moments like that come from? They’re a glimpse of what God made us for. The God at the centre of the universe is a giving, serving God. We’re taking 3 weeks to think about how we serve the God who serves us.

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The Question that Matters Most (Matthew 22:41-23:12) standard

The most important questions in life are not the ones we come up with but the ones Jesus asks us. Here (in 22:41-46) Jesus asks us who is the Lord of the universe. Spoiler alert, it’s Jesus! Why does that matter? If we get that Jesus is Lord, and make him “my Lord” like David does, then it protects us from missing the shape of the universe (and so being forced to bow before Jesus as Lord), from fake religion (which the Pharisees have in 23:1-7), from false promotion (which the disciples are tempted to do in 23:8-10) and from a foolish quest (to exalt ourselves and be served rather than serve as in 23:11-12). What a great Lord we ...

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Sermon Series: How To Love God – Deuteronomy image

Sunday 11th June 2023, Salt Church will continue our series in Deuteronomy! The main purpose of the book of Deuteronomy: Israel is on the plains of Moab about to enter the Promised Land. Their leader Moses is about to die. And so comes Deuteronomy – 3 sermons from Moses to tell God’s people how to love God. Deuteronomy is to the Old Testament what Romans is to the New Testament; it’s the most thorough explanation of the character and purposes of God, how to become one of God’s people and how to live and to love God as one of his people. The main purpose of the book is to call every generation of Israelites to faithful covenant love for ...

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Our New Home FAQ’s standard

FAQ's from our Small Groups What we heard: It was great being able to visit every small group to chat and pray about our New Home campaign. Overall the feedback was really positive, with the fundamental drivers of the New Home campaign finding resonance with the membership of Salt Church. We’re excited about the possibilities of what God might do with a New Home! Across the groups there were also some common questions raised - some of which are briefly covered in Our New Home booklet and some not at all. Irrespective here are some responses to these common themes. Shaun, Rob, Andrew & Michael The Building Committee 1. Will there be a separate bank account for giving towards our New Home? Yes. The Admin Committee has a ...

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