Care at Salt Church

A Church that Loves…

At Salt Church we are – and want more and more to be – a Church that loves and cares for each other, just as our Lord Jesus does for us, and as he tells us to.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35)

We want to care for each other personally, in practical ways to meet physical and spiritual needs, and we want to empower each other to grow as believers in the midst of our difficulties by connecting with our Christian brothers and sisters for support.

Use the contact form below if you or someone you know needs support, and we’ll help connect you with other Christians from Salt Church who can love and care for you.

Loving God when Life Hurts

This guide is written to help Christians love God in the midst of the sufferings and difficulties we all face in life. It’s written with a particular person in mind – a Christian who is trying to maintain their mental health in the midst of those difficulties – although we hope it’s useful for other people in other situations too.


Here are some crisis services and helplines:

Here are some Christian organisations that offer counselling and support:

  • Anglicare – |1300 651 728. All Anglicare Illawarra counsellors are experienced qualified professionals and practising Christians. They use a sliding income scale for payments.
  • Christian Counselling – | A network of professionals with qualifications in counselling as well as theological training and personal belief.

There are some other Christian psychologist services in the “Loving God when life hurts” booklet too, and you can chat to one of the Salt Church staff on Sunday if you’d like a few other names of Christian psychologists.

Contact us if you or someone you know from Salt Church needs care

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