Hello there

We are a Christian church that loves Jesus & meets every Sunday in the heart of Wollongong. We’d love for you to come along.

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About Salt Church

We are a bunch of Wollongong locals who love Jesus and gather each week to hear from God’s word and share his life-changing message. We meet together on Sundays at 9:00 am*, 10:45 am* & 5:00 pm. We would love for you to visit.
(*with a Kid’s program)

Come along!

Your journey at Salt

Your experience at Salt isn’t just contained to a Sunday – we regularly hang out and do life together. Our driver is to grow each other under God! You will find us at local cafes, beaches and in our homes as we love deep convos, learning together and having fun along the way. We can’t wait to meet you.

More about us!

About Jesus

At Salt we think that Jesus is worth knowing. He came in to our world so that we can have restored relationship with God. Everything we do at Salt is centered around Jesus our King.

More about Jesus!

Salt Stories

Here's a snap shot of some of the things that have been going on at Salt Church lately...

Who Are We?

With 8 billion people on the planet, you’d think we’d agree on who we are and why we’re here. But these days even basic questions of human identity and morality ...

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Christmas Offering

We’re celebrating Jesus’ birthday with a gift to Wollongong Homeless Hub & Housing Services. During our Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Gatherings, we’ll be collecting monetary donations (cash or EFT) ...

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