Esther & Ruth: The Unseen Author
If I can’t see God, how do I know what He’s doing in the world and if I can trust Him? Our series in the books of Esther and Ruth will answer these questions. They’ll show us the unseen author, our God.
- Here’s the Leader’s version of the notes
- Here’s the Member’s version of the notes
Other Resources
Commentary: if you want to go deeper we recommend
- Teaching Ruth & Esther by Christopher Ash for $25
- … Or these 2 much cheaper $0 podcast episodes:
- Esther:
- Ruth:
The Swedish Method: if you want to use this bible discussion approach in your Small Group, here’s info about it and a printout of the 5 icons.
Online Small Group: here’s how to setup zoom and tips to lead an online small group.
Growing as a Small Group Leader
You can always become better at shaping your group – and if growing as a leader causes people to know God better and love each other more, that’s effort well spent! Here’s practical ways to Crawl, Walk and Run as a Small Group Leader. We also want to help others get ready to lead a Small Group so it’s a natural next step instead of an enormous leap. So you’ll find steps a Future Leader can take too.
Getting Started as a Small Group Leader
Salt’s Maturity Team wrote a guide to help you as you lead your group. It’s full of useful tips and ideas, whether you’ve led groups many times before or are just Getting Started as a Small Group Leader.
Infographic: Small Groups at Salt Church
Small Groups are a little different at every church. Here’s how they work at Salt Church.
Infographic: Qualities of a Small Group Leader
Leading a Small Group is a privilege. God will work in and through you to change people’s lives! What kind of leader does God want you to be as you join in His work? Here are some crucial Qualities to keep growing in.
Infographic: Expectations of a Small Group Leader
As you lead there’s probably lots of things you’re expecting of yourself or things you think others expect of you. That can lead to uncertainty, so to clear it up here’s the Expectations of Small Group Leaders at Salt Church.
Caring for People in your Small Group
In our groups we want to love each other like God loves us and there’ll be times people need specific help or care. These moments give great opportunities for your group to show practical love for each other. However, if a situation arises where your group is not able to sufficiently care for someone, get in touch with the care team at They’d love to help come up with a solution.
Small Group Signup
Not in a Small Group? Sign up for a group here.