External Mission at Salt


Why we have external mission partners

At Salt Church our prayer is that we would see a flood of disciples of Jesus across the Illawarra and beyond. We know that to see people all over the world hearing the gospel and becoming one of Jesus’ disciples, we will need to partner together with others in this mission.

Our external mission partners are people or organisations who we have committed to partnering with in sharing the gospel. We do that by knowing and praying for them, and by supporting them financially as a church.

Giving to mission partners

At Salt Church, we want to be intentional in the way we partner with others in mission, and for us that means if members of Church want to give to any of our mission partners, they have to do that intentionally. You can do that by setting up regular giving online via direct deposit and making sure you write in the description which mission partner you would like the money to go towards.

Eg if you wanted to give to Karina’s work in France with uni students, when you do so online, tag the giving with “Karina” in the transfer description so that the money goes to the correct place – otherwise it will go to the general budget. You can find the bank details listed at the bottom of this page.

Geneva Push

Geneva push are a church planting organisation which wants to see hundreds of new churches started across  Australia, so that thousands of Australians would hear the gospel and know Jesus as their king.

They recruit and assess church planters, and strengthen church planters and churches by providing resources, coaching and support, to help church planters be as effective as they can.

Karina Brabham, France

Karina Brabham used to be a member of Salt’s 5pm gathering and did a ministry apprenticeship (MTS) at UOW. She studied at Moore College and completed training with the Church Mission Society (CMS Australia) to prepare her for making disciples for Jesus in France beginning January, 2022.

Karina is partnering with the campus ministry organisation, Groupes Bibliques Universitaires (GBU) to share God’s word with university students.

She is working to encourage and equip local believers, especially in evangelism and to engage French students with the person and work of Jesus.

Mission in Mongolia

MongoliaAn ex-member of our church has moved to Mongolia to help see more disciples in that region. He is excited to partner with us and the local church in Mongolia – spending time learning the language, culture and building relationships, seeking to utilise his skills to help support the local community.

He has a heart for the rural regions of Mongolia, and will be endeavouring to train and develop local disciples of Jesus to reach these often remote and semi-nomadic peoples.

This missionary enjoys cooking and teaching, horse riding, archery, rock climbing and hiking but his passion is Jesus and sharing life and the gospel with others.  He enjoys the challenges of sharing amongst different cultures and is excited about what God is doing in Mongolia and being involved.

Financially support our Mission Partners

If you would like to financially support one of our Mission Partners, make a bank transfer to the Salt bank account and add the name of the partner in the text description field. Eg. “Geneva push” or “Karina”.
Please note, until further notice we are unable to financially support the work in Mongolia.

The bank account details are
Name: Salt Church
Bsb: 032-695
Account number: 392667

Remember to write the name of the Mission Partner in the description field so we know who to send it to.

Sign up for prayer updates here

If you would like regular updates, please fill in this form and we will add you to our partners’ email prayer updates.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Geneva PushLaneway ChurchKarina BrabhamMongolia

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