Who is Jesus? The way you answer that question is important. Come along for 4 weeks of discovering who Jesus is as we look at 4 different people that Jesus meets:

  1. The one who knows me – Sunday January 5th
  2. The one who finds me – Sunday January 12th
  3. The one who saves me – Sunday January 17th
  4. The one who give me life – Sunday January 26th

Come along



Lots of things make Christians & non-Christians feel like it's reasonable to hold God/Jesus at arm’s length. In fact it’s only reasonable to embrace Jesus because He is your King…
In a merit-based-world, what do we have to do to do enough for God? Humbly ask God for mercy & then live an unmerited new life.
We may place our expectations on God but it's important to know he has expectations for us.
So often we use our money and our stuff to serve ourselves - but what would it look like for us to use our wealth to serve God? How could…
So often we use our money and our stuff to serve ourselves - but what would it look like for us to use our wealth to serve God? How could…
Jesus' parable of "the prodigal son" is a famous one. However, it's not actually a story about 1 son - it's about 2 sons who are both lost - and…
Jesus invites many to a wonderful feast.
The Kingdom of God is wonderful, to enter it we must make every effort to be repentant. This is God's work in us even as we must do the work…

On Guard

February 24, 2019
There are two kingdoms, judgement is coming, therefore Christians should be on guard.
Almost everyone prays to God. But we usually approach God how we want, and on our own terms. Jesus teaches us the right way to approach God: to approach the…
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