Our origin story determines our purpose & value as humans. There's 2 competing accounts - we’re either accidents resulting from the big bang and evolution who have no purpose or…
What is the best thing about Christmas? It's the gift Jesus came to bring - the lasting satisfaction of a relationship with God through the Cross.
The best gift is the unexpected one you didn't even know you needed. The best gift God gives us is coming in the person of his Son with flesh on…
We know God loves us because 1) he displayed his love in sending his Son for us, 2) we love like him so we must have first been loved by…
Babies always look like their parents, so what do you look like when you're born of God? And how can you tell if you're one of God's children? We become…
Like a medical test that comes back with inconclusive results, what do you do when the evidence you know God is inconclusive? Look for 3 signs: 1) we keep God's…
It's so important to be certain, especially about a relationship with God. The great news of 1 John is that through Jesus we can certainly know God & even though…
The rescue of the Jews here points us to the bigger rescue we have in Jesus, but it's even better because his came not from self defence but self sacrifice…
There's only 2 ways to live - either crime doesn't pay or crime does pay. The way to answer that question is to see who's in control of the world.…
Why is it dangerous to be a Christian? By nature humans hate God so also hate God's people. How does God help us to face persecution? He gives His sure…
Most of the time for most of us God is hidden and it's not clear what He is doing in the world. What is the hidden God doing? The hidden…
We get to join God in building the Church where He lives by His Holy Spirit, so build on the right foundation (Jesus Christ) & with the right materials (that…
Why is it that the things that are good for us are so hard to do? Case in point - why is it so hard to be mature spiritual Christians…
How do we avoid splitting our Church based on which Christian leader we prefer? Let go of loyalty to leaders & follow Christ alone, and use God's criteria to assess…
If Jesus' resurrection is true, what difference does it make? It proves he is the Lord with absolute power, who uses his power for good, especially the good of being…