1 Peter: Live Different

Why do Christians try to live differently to the rest of the world? What does that look like? Starting Sunday the 3rd of May – we will be checking out what Peter wrote almost two thousand years ago to people just like us, to help them answer these very questions. We hope you check out the sermons during our Sunday gatherings and the follow up Q&A over the next ten weeks as we dig into God’s words to us.

New Devotions
A new series also means new devotional emails. To get the latest reading plan so that you can follow along – go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions

Sermon recordings

The Spirit’s Works

September 6, 2020
What does the Holy Spirit do in us? The Spirit lives and works in us, so we'll trust Jesus and become like Jesus together.

The Spirit of God

August 30, 2020
Who is the Holy Spirit and what's his great mission and passion?

The Son’s Works

August 23, 2020
The climatic and earth shattering moment of Jesus' life is his death and bodily resurrection. We explore why this event changed humanity forever.

The Son of God

August 16, 2020
Jesus comes to us in the pages of the Bible as truly God and truly man. Why is this so important and what difference does it make if we get…


August 9, 2020

Our God, Our Father

August 2, 2020
When Christians talk about God, we're talking about the God of the bible who is there, is massive, is eternal, triune and self sufficient. The only appropriate response to meeting…


July 26, 2020
God speaks to us by his word in the Bible. But what does that mean? What is the Bible and how are we to read it? This is the 2nd…
Does it really matter what Christians believe? Michael talks about why truth matters and why we're doing this series all about Doctrine
Our God is Earth-shatteringly powerful - but what does he use his power for? This Psalm shows us how God uses his power for the good of his people.
What is distinctive about Christian leadership? What are the pitfalls of leading and following in God's church?
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