1 Peter: Live Different

Why do Christians try to live differently to the rest of the world? What does that look like? Starting Sunday the 3rd of May – we will be checking out what Peter wrote almost two thousand years ago to people just like us, to help them answer these very questions. We hope you check out the sermons during our Sunday gatherings and the follow up Q&A over the next ten weeks as we dig into God’s words to us.

New Devotions
A new series also means new devotional emails. To get the latest reading plan so that you can follow along – go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions

Sermon recordings

How can imperfect mediocre people become perfect? Through 3 things Jesus gives.

Kingdom Identity

February 14, 2021
Jesus is the Son of God, the light in the darkness and we are that darkness. But Jesus calls us to a transformed identity, no longer living as darkness (for…
John the Baptist announces something massive for our world but we might miss it unless we take a good look at what God has promised before Jesus. Will you be…
What's the big picture look like from God's perspective and how can we be part of it? We explore encouragements and next steps in making disciples in 2021!
How can we be confident we'll enter Heaven? Are we presuming God will just accept us or is there a better way. When Jesus meets a rich ruler he explains…
God is better than we think... and we are worse than we realise. God is the source of all that's good, He's never the source of evil, but most of…
Why did God make such an exclusive path to knowing Him? When we see that Jesus was the only way God could be just and save people - we can…
God has spoken but are you listening? Nothing is more significant than how we listen to the words of Jesus. It will determine our eternal destination. What kind of listener…
When he is tempted, Jesus obeys his Father God, like no-one ever has before. Through Jesus, we can now obey God too.
Is Jesus who you think he is? Believe it or not Christmas is a time for lying. People say they like presents they really don’t but are they the only…
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