Doctrine: what Christians believe and why it’s good

The dictionary definition of Doctrine is: “A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group”.

What do Christians believe – what are our “Doctrines”? When there’s so much disagreement about what is true among religious people, and even among people who call themselves Christians, what do Christians actually believe? And is what Christians believe good? Is it compelling, liveable, beautiful and better than what our culture says is right and good?

Have a listen and find out as we unpack 10 massively important truths from the Bible in this series about Doctrine.

We want a New Home to be and become lifelong disciples because God’s plan is we’d be & become lifelong disciples.
A New Home needs us to be generous and God gives us gifts to be generous with, and the grace to use them.
We want a New Home to make more disciples because Jesus came to save the lost.
We want a New Home for God’s glory because it’ll help us glorify God, and God’s glory is what matters most.
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The injustice of Jesus' trial before he's crucified on the first Easter gives us the answer to why Good Friday is so good!
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