Zechariah: Return

In 598 BC God’s people were defeated in war, taken off to Babylon, their homes & temple destroyed. But in the book of Zechariah they’re back! They’ve returned to their land. It should be a celebration but things are actually rubbish, because God hasn’t returned with them. In Zechariah God promises to return. We live in the time when that promise has come true. We’re going to find out what it means that God has returned to us.

New Devotions

A new series also means new devotions. To get the latest reading plan so you can follow along go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions


In this passage we meet Caleb - someone who the bible describes 5 times as trusting God wholeheartedly. What does this kind of faith look like and how can we…
God kept His promise to Israel because He is a promise keeper. The promise of the New Covenant - the Kingdom of God is equally trustworthy. We have it already…
Decision making is one of the constant burdens of life. Whenever we 'do' anything, we make a choice. Choosing is unavoidable, and so are the consequences of our choices. So…
God is just and merciful. This is clearly seen in Joshua 7 but in a greater way revealed through Jesus Christ. At the cross, Jesus offers Himself as a substitute,…
In Joshua chapter 6, God commands His people to devote to destruction an entire city. Which raises so many questions: Why did God command this war? How does it square…
Do you ever feel like the world wants a new and better you? A 'you' that’s really enjoying life. A ‘you’ not held back by failures and insecurities. Turns out…
Faith is probably the most misunderstood word in our society. But it's the most important word, because it's only reasonable faith in Jesus that can save your life - the…
The book of Joshua is a powerful moment in the history of redemption as a window into the rich theme of God's covenant promise of Sabbath-rest and its eventually fulfillment…

In this last sermon in our series on Colossians we look at the time. We see how knowing the time changes how we live in 3 significant ways.

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