Zechariah: Return

In 598 BC God’s people were defeated in war, taken off to Babylon, their homes & temple destroyed. But in the book of Zechariah they’re back! They’ve returned to their land. It should be a celebration but things are actually rubbish, because God hasn’t returned with them. In Zechariah God promises to return. We live in the time when that promise has come true. We’re going to find out what it means that God has returned to us.

New Devotions

A new series also means new devotions. To get the latest reading plan so you can follow along go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions


Holy Priests

August 25, 2019
What kind of representative do you need to stand between you & God? Someone who is competent, covered, with clean motives who obeys God correctly, so God will be with…
God is Holy - He is different and perfect - and He chooses Israel to live with Him. But they’re unholy! So how does God make it possible for sinners…
For a limited time, God is offering us reconciliation with himself. But why do we need it and what does it look like?
This life can be tough. Where can we find hope for the future? How does that hope change how we should live now?
If the gospel saves, why so often doesn’t "the gospel" save?! The gospel doesn’t save when we lose heart in it & twist it, or when Satan blocks it. But…
What is the difference between the old covenant and the new? Are they opposing? What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
We will not hide it from them, We will tell them the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.
Tim deals with some terrible events the occur at the end of the book of Judges and rounds up the Judges series.
Samson, born in special circumstances has all the ingredients for a great deliverer. But he is a terrible disappointment. Despite this, God achieves His purposes even as we are left…
Israel continues to spiral down, with God's people becoming more like the nations around them instead of living holy lives. Are we going to give in to the same temptations…
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