Hebrews 10-13: Persevere

Life is a journey. The destination: a wonderful city or a consuming fire…

Hebrews is written to Christians in a life or death struggle to persevere. They have been saved by trusting in Jesus and are headed for heaven. But they are weak, tired and persecuted. They’re encouraged to press on to the end, to keep going so they might enter heaven and avoid the judgement that will come on God’s enemies. The prize is wonderful: a kingdom that cannot be shaken (12:28). The alternative is terrifying: falling into the hands of the living God (10:28).

… So persevere, keep going, it’s worth it.

Join us as we unpack Hebrews 10-13, to discover how you can be part of God’s people in heaven, and how you can persevere to the end.

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