Categories ArchivesGrow

GROW – November 25th ’22 image

At Salt we’re praying a big prayer – we want to see a flood of lifelong disciples across Wollongong and beyond. Grow is all about lifting our eyes to see the big picture, moving forward together and playing our part in reaching the people of Wollongong who desperately need to know Jesus. This GROW is all about the part of our building plays in our vision to reach Wollongong. 275 has been a great venue but it won’t be our long term home. We’ll hear the plans we have for how we’re going to get to our new home to make more lifelong disciples in Wollongong! If Salt Church is your home, make sure you come along to hear the ...

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GROW – August 26th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, and find out what the next steps are to take to see this happen. If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we’ll explore how mission works at Salt Church and the fantastic opportunities coming up to be on mission with Salt Fest (5-9 Oct) and the Life Course. Plus much more! Details: Friday night 26th August – 7pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong

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GROW – June 24th image

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, have a good time together and hear what’s next! If Salt Church is your home, come along to hear the vision, understand our next steps and your part in them. We will eat some dinner together ($5pp) at 7 pm, then we will look into our Next Gen ministry, how we’re making disciples, an update on finding a new home for Salt and more!  To help us plan for food, let us know that you are coming on the Facebook event page. Also, at this GROW we’ll be voting in our new Review Panel members as part ...

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Grow – November 19th image

Salt Church is like a rescue boat and Grow is a chance to hear where we’re rowing together. At this Grow we’ll look ahead to our plans for next year; like employing someone to oversee Next Gen, our plans to be on mission in 2022, and a building campaign set for Oct. It’s always a good night, and an important time for our church. Details: Friday night 19th November – 7.30 pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong Plan to come in person, or tune in via livestream if you’re not ready to gather face to face yet!

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Grow – June 21 image

Grow June 21

Grow is a night for us to come together as members of Salt Church, to be reminded of what we are on about, have a good time together and hear what’s next. We will eat some dinner together ($5pp), sing and pray (free). We’d love every Salt member to be there – it’s going to be great. To help us plan for food and child minding, let us know that you are coming on the Facebook event page. Details: Friday night 24th March – 6:30pm at 275 Keira St, Wollongong More info:

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