There are between 50 and 300 prophecies (depending on how you break them up) written 100s to 1000s of years before Jesus was born that promise and predict his coming. These prophecies & promises remarkably describe Jesus in ways that clearly point to a supernatural origin. What do you do with that?

Come and find out this Christmas what it means that Jesus is the Promised Child, Servant, Son, Saviour & King.

Child | Sunday 8th December | 10am & 5pm
Servant | Sunday 15th December | 10am & 5pm
Son | Sunday 22nd December | 10am & 5pm
Saviour | Christmas Eve 24th December | 5pm
King | Christmas Day 25th December | 9am

Come along
Jesus is Lord of our lives, work, marriages, kids, church, homes, in some very counter cultural ways. Find out what life with him looks like and why it's a better…
What has happened to us in Christ has changed who we are and therefore shapes the way we live.
In Christ we have been brought to fullness, we have everything we need in Christ. Therefore, we should see to it that we aren't taken captive by the empty philosophies…
God reveals the greatest mystery of the universe to us. It's by this mystery that God grows and matures to be like Christ.
Jesus is God’s beloved Son in, through, and for whom everything was made, out of overflowing love.
The truth is that Christians have a future hope and this hope should shape everything. Paul shows us how it shapes the Christian life, particularly in prayer and encouragement.
Jesus meets a man who has a problem- but then Jesus surprises him by healing his bigger problem.
We all face suffering and difficulty in life. Can we have any hope in the face of that?
We all face suffering and difficulty in life. Can we have any hope in the face of that?
We all face suffering and difficulty in life. Can we have any hope in the face of that?

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