
4000 years ago Israel moved into the land God had promised to them. 4000 years later that story radically changes us, because it shows us our covenant keeping God.

Follow along as we walk our way through this book filled with battles and victory, fear and courage, disobedience and faith. So that you will be able to say what Joshua says at the end of the book and the end of his life:

‘You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed’ (Joshua 23:14)

We continue to explore the astonising love of God in light of Israel's blantant unfaithfulness. How will you respond to God's love for you?
God's astonishig response to Israel's shocking spiritual adultery says all we need to know about our treatment of God and his astounding response. Do you know God and do you…
War is an unfortunate reality of our world. But what does the Bible say about the topic of war and how should we respond to war as Christians?
The words we speak can have a powerful impact for good or cause significant harm. What we say matters. What does God say about how we should use our tongues?
What's the point of work & what does God have to say about it?

Jesus does things that no one else can do. He teaches like no one else. He heals and casts out demons. He has power of the wind and the waves.…
We live in a world that prizes itself on zero judgement, is that what Jesus means when he says 'Do not judge'?
Jesus says not to worry but surely it's not that easy. What's the secret to living in an anxious world?
Jesus says the key to living a righteous life is all about your eyesight. Do you see the world the way Jesus does?
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