God's plan for Everything


As Christians, we’ve been saved from the penalty and power of sin through Jesus. But what comes next? What is God’s plan for you?

As Christians, we gather together weekly as a church. But what comes next? What’s God’s plan for Salt Church? And how do you fit into that: what’s God’s plan for you at Salt Church?

That’s what we’ll unpack over 5 weeks. In this series we’ll see God’s plan for everything – God’s plan for you, for his church, and for you in his church. We’ve been saved for a purpose and God leads us to live in light of that purpose, to realise and celebrate how we fit into God’s plan for everything!

God has a better design for sex & marriage than our culture offers. He even gives laws to retrieve/regain/salvage good outcomes when his people sin sexually… and he even gives…
Laws show us what God cares about. In these laws in Deut 19 he cares about every human life, true justice, our actions & motives. In Jesus' life God shows…
Leaders have a big impact on our lives. What kinds of leaders does God want us to be?
We're made for one another and no one wants to be lonely. What sort of community does God want his people to be?
1. What’s the reason for the OT food laws? So God’s people can live holy lives, even in their kitchens. || 2. What are Christians meant to do with OT…
If you want to love God you're going to feel the pressure to wander. What are these pressure points and why does God take them so seriously?
We love God by worshipping him his way – worshipping him any other way is deeply insulting and deeply unsatisfying.
We want a New Home to learn to trust God to supply our needs
We want a New Home for the next generations because God's plans outlive us.
We want a New Home to be and become lifelong disciples because God’s plan is we’d be & become lifelong disciples.

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