God's plan for Everything


As Christians, we’ve been saved from the penalty and power of sin through Jesus. But what comes next? What is God’s plan for you?

As Christians, we gather together weekly as a church. But what comes next? What’s God’s plan for Salt Church? And how do you fit into that: what’s God’s plan for you at Salt Church?

That’s what we’ll unpack over 5 weeks. In this series we’ll see God’s plan for everything – God’s plan for you, for his church, and for you in his church. We’ve been saved for a purpose and God leads us to live in light of that purpose, to realise and celebrate how we fit into God’s plan for everything!

Respond to Christmas like the Angels and Charles Wesley who wrote this carol: Give glory to King Jesus by treasuring him, and seeing his glory - that in Jesus, God…
We all have a story to tell of injustice or being hurt by someone. God's way for us to deal with it is radically good but also really hard. The…
Are God's commands bad or beautiful, & unrealistic or achievable? They're beautiful & achievable b/c God does what he commands, + God forgives us for not doing his commands, transforms…
Not everyone who starts the Christian life finishes it. Will you be there at the finish line? What will keep you going in the Christian life for the long haul?
The transformed Christian life is a life of genuine loving service of others. Everyone wants to experience love but what does genuine love look like and how is it different…
God gives all Christians gifts, not for our self-identity & self-satisfaction, but to use to serve any & everyone, for God's glory, Christian's growth & other people’s good. So go…
If you're a disciple of Jesus you're living in two worlds. You live here but here is not your home. You're a citizen of Australia and a citizen of heaven.…
As God's people we have been formed into a body. we therefore belong to each other and have responsibility for each other.
The way to the transformed life is surprising. Get this right and everything follows.
What God has done in Christ for us is massive! How are we to respond? The first verse of Romans 12 sets the scene for a radically transformed life.
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