1 Pet 1:14–16

Like obedient children, do not comply with the evil urges you used to
follow in your ignorance,
but, like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all of
your conduct,
for it is written,
“You shall be holy,
because I am holy.”

One thought:


It’s become uncool to want to be like our parents. But as Christians we have a heavenly Father whose character is exactly what we want to grow up to be like!

Three questions:


In this context, Peter’s use of the word ‘Holy’ points to God’s ethical purity and perfection rather than His ‘set apartness’.


Do you grieve sin? Do you hate it?


Take a mental note of what evil urge you need to fight at the moment.



Acknowledge God’s holiness – that He is pure and perfect in who He is and everything He does.

Give thanks that God has made us pure through Jesus Christ and able to be in His presence.

Ask God that the Spirit would help us to fight against evil urges and to pursue holiness in all areas of life.