1 Pet 1:13

Therefore, get your minds ready for action by being fully sober, and set
your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus
Christ is revealed.

One thought:

To be sober is to see things clearly. We need to see through the murky darkness of the world, the sunrise that awaits in the return of the King.

Three questions:


What might cloud our vision, making us not sober and therefore struggle to set our hope completely on future grace?


How do you feel about Christ’s return? Excited? Scared? Apathetic?


Take a moment to reflect on Christ’s return – what if it was next year?


Give thanks for the hope we have in God’s grace that we will see at Christ’s return.

Ask that God would help you have a clear mind to see the hope you have.

Ask God that the Spirit would help you completely put your hope in future grace.