1 Peter: Live Different

Life after death, sexuality, the environment – Christians live different to the culture around on a bunch of different issues and in a number of different ways. Why do Christians live different?

It’s because Christians believe we don’t belong in this world. We belong to God; our home is heaven. So what does it look like to live different in a world that is not our home? And why is that a better difference – a difference worth being part of?

That’s what this series in 1 Peter is all about. Come and check out the sermons during our Sunday Gatherings and the follow up Q&A over this series as we dig into God’s words to us.

New Devotions

A new series also means new devotions. To get the latest reading plan so that you can follow along – go to www.saltchurch.info/getdevotions


It's so important to be certain, especially about a relationship with God. The great news of 1 John is that through Jesus we can certainly know God & even though…
How much money should I give away? The Bible's answer is both comforting and confronting.
There are so many needs, how do I decide who to give my time, money and energy to?
Why be generous to the work of making lifelong disciples of Jesus? Why should this work be a priority for the disciple's generosity?
Often when churches talk about money it stinks! Let's start with our view of God - abundantly generous or stingy?
Naomi's redemption is full of blessing and hope but there's much more to come for those who are redeemed by Jesus!
Ruth's daring move toward Boaz and his response speaks volumes of their noble character. Character is so critical to all our relationships and not least our relationship to God who…
Why is Boaz showing such abundant loving kindness to Ruth? Above all, we're meant to see something extraordinary about God.
The book of Ruth is an incredible love story but bigger than that it's about God. On display is His loving kindness in ordinary lives.
The rescue of the Jews here points us to the bigger rescue we have in Jesus, but it's even better because his came not from self defence but self sacrifice…
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