Have your say:
Our church is participating in the 2021 National Church Life Survey! You are invited to complete the Attender Survey for adults aged 15 years and above. For parents, you & your kids you are also invited to complete the Child Survey for Salt Kids aged 8 to 14. Yahoo!
What will it involve?
- Heading to the NCLS website and filling out an online questionnaire
- It will take between 10-20 minutes to complete. Grab a cuppa!
- There’s just over 50 short questions (mainly multiple choice)
- It is 100% anonymous and confidential. We only see how many responses we get for Salt Church not individual responses. We’ll share the combined results when we receive them from NCLS.
Why do it?
Basically, you’re participation is vital to us:
- Knowing our church better,
- Helping Salt leadership better plan and achieve our vision of making more disciples.
- Contributing to the data for FIEC to better understand the health of our denomination
- Contributing to the data to better understand the health of the national church.
Head to: attendersurvey.ncls.org.au
And/or: childsurvey.ncls.org.au
and enter our Church Code: ZE100019
We ask you to complete the Survey by 27th Feb 2022 (closes for all Australia end of Feb)
We will also have physical copies for anyone to do after the gatherings on Sunday 20th. You only need to fill out one survey, and there’s no need to take them home!
More info:
Every five years, people attending churches across Australia take part in the National Church Life Survey (NCLS). The aims of the survey are to give church attenders a voice about their experiences of church life, to carry out research to assist churches in their ministry and mission, and to provide statistics about churches in a changing and diverse Australia.
The survey will ask you about your experiences of our church, your thoughts about our ministries and activities, as well as your personal spiritual beliefs or religious practices. The results of the survey will help our local church to assess our church health, understand our strengths and build directions for the future.
The Survey is designed by NCLS Research, as part of the 2021 National Church Life Survey and has Ethics approval from Charles Sturt University. More information about the survey can be found at 2021ncls.org.au/attender-survey