With 8 billion people on the planet, you’d think we’d agree on who we are and why we’re here. But these days even basic questions of human identity and morality are up for debate. So, we’re going to dive into two fundamental questions, seeking answers that we believe only God can provide.

12 January 2025: Who Are We? Accidents or Designed?

We all love an origin story—because where we came from shapes who we are. But is life the result of random chance, or are we intentionally designed by God?

19 January 2025: Who Are We? Mostly Good or Mostly Bad?

Many people say humans are basically good, but that doesn’t match what we see in the world or even in ourselves. Do we even really know what “good” is?

We’d love for you to join us as we explore these big questions and look at what God has to say about who we are and why we’re here. Bring a friend, invite someone who’s looking for answers to join you. We’re excited to start the year on mission together!