October 5-9th
At Salt Church we’re on about seeing a flood of lifelong disciples across the Illawarra, which is why we have run Summer Nights in the past! Because we love our city, it makes sense to be on mission right here to our friends, family, neighbours, co-workers and people we’ve never met.
Our aim is to connect with people and give them an opportunity to engage with the gospel. While doing that we will be well equipped with good training, we’ll raise the profile of Salt Church in our city and be the forerunners in encouraging the whole of Salt to be on mission.
Put the dates aside now so you can be part of our first ever SaltFest running in Spring 2022 (5-9th Oct). We’ve moved ‘Summer Nights’ to Spring so we can better reach out to our city and share why Jesus is the best news ever! SaltFest will be an awesome opportunity to engage our own city with the gospel as we create a space to meet new people and celebrate some of the good things in life together over food, fun and community.
Watch this space for more details!