Zech 13:1–3

“In that day there will be a fountain opened up for the dynasty of David
and the people of Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and impurity.
And also on that day,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will remove
the names of the idols from the land and they will never again be
remembered. Moreover, I will remove the prophets and the unclean spirit
from the land.
Then, if anyone prophesies in spite of this, his father and mother to whom
he was born will say to him, ‘You cannot live, for you lie in the name of
the Lord.’ Then his father and mother to whom he was born will run him
through with a sword when he prophesies.



One thought:

God’s desire is for a holy people who are pure just as He is pure



Three questions:

Why does God care so much about purity?


Do you desire purity from sin?


Reflect on your own purity, where do you need God to help you with sin?



Praise God that He is holy and pure, His ways are not like humans. Give thanks that Jesus was a perfect sacrifice, and His holiness has been transferred to us through faith. Ask God to help you + two others to live pure lives, fleeing sin and turning to godliness.