Monthly ArchivesDecember 2024

Who Are We? image

With 8 billion people on the planet, you’d think we’d agree on who we are and why we’re here. But these days even basic questions of human identity and morality are up for debate. So, we’re going to dive into two fundamental questions, seeking answers that we believe only God can provide. 12 January 2025: Who Are We? Accidents or Designed? We all love an origin story—because where we came from shapes who we are. But is life the result of random chance, or are we intentionally designed by God? 19 January 2025: Who Are We? Mostly Good or Mostly Bad? Many people say humans are basically good, but that doesn’t match what we see in the world or even ...

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Christmas Offering image

We’re celebrating Jesus’ birthday with a gift to Wollongong Homeless Hub & Housing Services. During our Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Gatherings, we’ll be collecting monetary donations (cash or EFT) for Wollongong Homeless Hub and Housing Services (WHHHS). You can also give through our website using the button below. The Illawarra region is facing some tough challenges when it comes to rental prices and homelessness. In Wollongong, the situation is especially hard, with 2,438 people seeking homelessness assistance in 2023—an increase of 139 people on the year before, according to the ABS. Rental prices in the region are still way higher than they were before the pandemic, up by about a third. Overall, property prices have risen by around 4% ...

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Gingerbread House Making image

7th December 2024 Explore the photos below to relive the joy, laughter, and inspiration that went into every edible structure created at our Gingerbread House Making Event. From lolly-coated rooftops to sugary windows and festive decorations, each creation was a sweet masterpiece!   This festive season, creativity and holiday cheer filled the air! We had 60+ people join us to experience the type of community that is growing here at Salt Church. Everyone left with such good vibes, feeling the love and warmth of our community. We hope to do it all again!

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The Best Gift image

As we enter the final stretch toward Christmas, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. The online sales, the crowds at the shops, the pressure of planning the perfect food to share, the stress of finding just the right gift—it can all overwhelm us. And, amid all of this, it’s easy to lose sight of what makes Christmas truly special. Christmas isn’t just about the presents, the food, or even the family gatherings. It’s about celebrating God’s good gifts: His provision, His people, and, ultimately, the greatest gift He gave to us—Jesus Christ. This Christmas, let’s make a conscious effort to give thanks for the blessings we often take for granted, and to remember ...

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